

Keep your Kayak in our facilities

Enjoy the parking service just 50 meters from Llançà beach, we offer you our boarding space and all our facilities for your kayaks all year round.

Our privileged location in Llançà allows you to enjoy the spectacular crystal clear waters and coastal landscapes of the Costa Brava while having fun sailing your kayak.

Mensual(40,00 )

Trimestral(90,00 )

Semestral(150,00 )

Anual(240,00 )

    SKU: PU00 Category:


    Keep your Kayak in our facilities

    Enjoy the parking service just 50 meters from Llançà beach, we offer you our boarding space and all our facilities for your kayaks all year round.

    Reserve your kayak spot for 1, 3, 6 or 12 months.

    Discounts of 25% for 3 months, 38% for 6 months and 50% for 12 months.




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    Nos encantaría mantenerte al día con nuestras últimas noticias y ofertas

    We'd love to keep you up to date with our latest news and offers

    No enviem correu brossa! Llegeix la nostra política de privacitat per a més informació.