Showing 13–22 of 22 results

50,00 € 1 participant >= 12 anys
Experience an unparalleled immersion in the Costa Brava with a combination of kayaking and snorkeling, discovering the rich Mediterranean marine flora and fauna accompanied by an Accredited Cap de Creus Guide.
Our adventure begins in Llançà Bay, sailing in a double kayak until we reach the Cap Ras area, the starting point for a snorkeling session at Canyelles beach. This site is part of the Natura 2000 Network and stands out for its exceptional seabed. A qualified instructor from SK Kayak, trained by the FECDAS, will ensure the organization and safety of the group in the water, offering a fascinating snorkeling session.
SK Kayak is a center with training from the Catalan Federation of Underwater Activities FECDAS, and our guides are certified by the Cap de Creus Natural Park. As an ecotourism initiative affiliated with WildSeaEurope, we guarantee responsible practices. This experience is perfect for groups of friends and couples, offering a unique opportunity to connect with the stunning nature of this region of the Costa Brava.
Come by Public Transport
Reduce your carbon footprint on your travels and help us make our activities more sustainable and environmentally friendly. YOU WILL ENJOY 10% DISCOUNT on your purchase!
Discount code: viatjarentren
Consult the timetables
*To justify the discount it will be necessary to show the train tickets

28,00 €
Xènia Ros and Valérie Espinasse, Qi Gong teachers, suggest starting the day with a Qi Gong session on the beach to open your senses before entering the sea to sail in silence. Suitable for everyone in double self-draining kayaks. Duration 2:30 hours. Age> = 16 years.
Activity carried out in Llançà.

35,00 € Adult, 15€ < 12 anys
Ornitocaiac is a unique ornithological proposal on the Costa Brava that combines bird watching and kayaking. We will paddle watching the birds of the Aiguamolls Natural Park with our guides trained with the SEO BIrdlife-Iberaves program and we will arrive at the bay of Roses, the longest bay on the Costa Brava to disembark and look for seabirds in a spectacular place! The Bay of Roses is part of the Club of the most beautiful bays in the world! This is an Ecotourism experience on the Costa Brava that is attached to the Iberaves project of SEO Birdlife to guarantee good practices.
Upcoming dates
20/4 – 11/5 – 12/5 – 8/6 – 22/6

0,00 €
Welcome to the paradise of downwinds with surfskiing on the Costa Brava, a spectacular region for this exciting water sport. Its crystal clear waters, stunning landscapes and ideal conditions for wind and waves make the Costa Brava the perfect place for water adventure lovers. In particular, the Mar d’Amunt and Cap de Creus areas offer an idyllic setting for practicing surfskiing and Tramuntana Downwind.
Tramuntana Downwind is an exciting experience with a surfski. On the Costa Brava, the wind and sea conditions are perfect for this type of activity, especially the Tramuntana winds that create ideal conditions for sailing and surfski fun. The Mar d’Amunt and Cap de Creus offer a spectacular environment to explore with your surfski, with impressive cliffs, hidden coves and turquoise waters.
Our surfski fleet consists of several Epic boats, from the most stable ones like the V5 or V7 to the fastest and lightest ones like the Epic V8 and V10.

27,50 € 1 adult, 15€ < 12 anys
Experience a memorable day of family tourism discovering the Empordà wetlands by kayak.
We set off on an exciting kayak excursion along the Fluvià river, using self-emptying kayaks, departing from the Nautical Club of Sant Pere Pescador to reach the “Cathedral of the Fluvià”. Where will be the time to enjoy a refreshing swim in the river. During the route, we will navigate with the aim of contemplating the diverse flora and fauna that inhabit the Aiguamolls Natural Park, accompanied by our guides trained by the SEO Birdlife-Iberaves program.
This experience is a true example of Eco-Tourism on the Costa Brava, committed to the Iberaves SEO Birdlife project to ensure good environmental practices. It’s a perfect activity for both groups of friends and families, offering an exciting and educational way to connect with these beautiful wetlands.

195,00 €
Explore the spectacular Côte Vermeille with our kayak route from Cotlliure to Llançà. Departing from the picturesque village of Cotlliure, we will sail along a charming coastline with vineyards that reach down to the sea and villages such as Banyuls-sur-Mer, Cervere and Port-Vendres, each with its own history. During the crossing, we will enjoy the majesty of the cliffs, with an unmissable stop at the Banyuls Marine Reserve, an underwater paradise full of marine life. As we continue towards Llançà, we will enrich our understanding of the history and culture of the region, with each village we visit offering fascinating stories. This kayak trip is an opportunity to connect with nature and local culture, promising thrills and discoveries along the Mediterranean coast. Don’t miss this unique adventure in the heart of the Côte Vermeille. Dates: 5-6 October

290,00 €
Travessa del Cap de Creus en kayak de Mar
Benvinguts a una experiència inoblidable de kayak de mar al cor del Parc Natural de Cap de Creus, el litoral més pintoresc de la Costa Brava. Amb les seves aigües turquesa, cales amagades i penya-segats majestuosos, aquesta travessa et conduirà per indrets que et connectaran amb la natura en el seu estat més pur.
La travessa es realitzarà en diferents dates amb una durada de 3 dies. El punt d’inici i final serà Llançà – Roses / Roses – Llançà depenent de les condicions meteorològiques.
Descobreix els racons més bells i amagats de la Costa Brava, arribant a llocs inaccessibles per altres mitjans. Experimenta la llibertat de moure’t a mar obert, amb el so de les onades com a teló de fons. Tant si ets un expert en kayak com si és la teva primera vegada, l’itinerari s’adapta a tots els nivells d’habilitat. Els nostres guies, experts i titulats, estan immersos en la riquesa natural i cultural del Cap de Creus. Compartiran històries locals i coneixements per enriquir la teva experiència.
Per unir-te a la travessa, reserva la teva plaça ja que les places són limitades. Rebràs informació prèvia amb detalls pràctics, consells de seguretat i tot el que necessites per gaudir de la travessa.
-28/06 -15/07 -09/08 -30/08 – 20/9

0,00 € 10 € o 20 €
Discover the magic of morning kayaking trips to Cap de Creus!
Join us to explore this unique area of the coast in the first light of the sun. Connect with nature as we sail gently on the calm waters of Llançà, enjoying the serenity of the first lights and with Cap de Creus as a backdrop.
Don’t miss this opportunity for a kayaking adventure on the Costa Brava, . Sign up now and let yourself fall in love with the magic of the first rays of sunshine.
We are waiting for you to live unforgettable moments on the Costa Brava!
*Activity with sea kayaks (SK1)

40,00 € 1 adult
Xènia Ros and Valérie Espinasse, Qi Gong teachers, we suggest starting the day with a Qi Gong session on the beach to open the senses before entering the river and the sea to sail in silence.. Suitable for everyone in double self-emptying kayaks .

75,00 €
La nostra experiència de kayak a Barcelona amb tapes és perfecta per a principiants i nens amb ganes de provar alguna cosa nova o viure el turisme de Barcelona d’una manera divertida. Aquesta experiència de kayak totalment guiada us oferirà una perspectiva global dels monuments i edificis més destacats de la ciutat, així com un munt de recomanacions de primera mà per gaudir d’experiències autèntiques a Barcelona. Uneix-te a la nostra activitat de kayak a la sortida o la posta de sol per fer exercici, riure i compartir grans moments. Al final de la nostra experiència en kayak, us regalarem unes merescudes tapes tradicionals al cor de la Barceloneta.