
90,00 €
Si no saps fer kayak de mar i vols iniciar-te en un dia tranquil o si ja fa mols anys que navegues i vols que et millori la tècnica en condicions de mar formada o sou un grup de caiaquistes i voleu millorar la seguretat et puc ajudar.
Sk kayak està ubicada en una de les zones més espectaculars per aprendre: el Parc Natural del Cap de Creus.
Et convertiràs en un caiaquista que navega sense esforç i que maniobra el seu caiac amb la subtilesa dels timons de proa, popa i desbordats fent maniobres encadenades amb palades laterals per controlar molt millor el teu kayak i així sentir com flueixes amb el mar.
Properes dates:
7/7 – 1/9

90,00 €
Discover the subtleties and dexterity of Greenlandic paddles in the exclusive course with Pau Calero! In this unique experience, you will learn the advanced techniques to master the paddle with precision and efficiency.
Whatever your level, beginner or expert, this course will help you push your limits and enjoy the adventure to the fullest.
Uncoming dates:
15/6 – 4/8 – 13/10

35,00 €
Live the unique experience of sailing in the heart of nature with the kayak excursion to the Catedral del Fluvià led by Pau Calero. Embark on a quiet and captivating journey along the Fluvià river, where you will have the opportunity to get to know the riparian forest and all its wildlife.
During this adventure, you will be able to visit the majestic Fluvià Cathedral, a magical place where you can hear the sounds of nature in all its splendor. Connect with the idyllic surroundings of this natural space and let yourself be seduced by the serenity that surrounds you.
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced kayaker, this kayaking experience will provide you with unforgettable moments and a unique view of the natural beauty of the Aiguamolls de l’Empordà.
Uncoming dates:
5/5 – 12/5 – 15/6

28,00 €
Xènia Ros and Valérie Espinasse, Qi Gong teachers, suggest starting the day with a Qi Gong session on the beach to open your senses before entering the sea to sail in silence. Suitable for everyone in double self-draining kayaks. Duration 2:30 hours. Age> = 16 years.
Activity carried out in Llançà.

35,00 € Adult, 15€ < 12 anys
Ornitocaiac is a unique ornithological proposal on the Costa Brava that combines bird watching and kayaking. We will paddle watching the birds of the Aiguamolls Natural Park with our guides trained with the SEO BIrdlife-Iberaves program and we will arrive at the bay of Roses, the longest bay on the Costa Brava to disembark and look for seabirds in a spectacular place! The Bay of Roses is part of the Club of the most beautiful bays in the world! This is an Ecotourism experience on the Costa Brava that is attached to the Iberaves project of SEO Birdlife to guarantee good practices.
Upcoming dates
20/4 – 11/5 – 12/5 – 8/6 – 22/6

0,00 €
Welcome to the paradise of downwinds with surfskiing on the Costa Brava, a spectacular region for this exciting water sport. Its crystal clear waters, stunning landscapes and ideal conditions for wind and waves make the Costa Brava the perfect place for water adventure lovers. In particular, the Mar d’Amunt and Cap de Creus areas offer an idyllic setting for practicing surfskiing and Tramuntana Downwind.
Tramuntana Downwind is an exciting experience with a surfski. On the Costa Brava, the wind and sea conditions are perfect for this type of activity, especially the Tramuntana winds that create ideal conditions for sailing and surfski fun. The Mar d’Amunt and Cap de Creus offer a spectacular environment to explore with your surfski, with impressive cliffs, hidden coves and turquoise waters.
Our surfski fleet consists of several Epic boats, from the most stable ones like the V5 or V7 to the fastest and lightest ones like the Epic V8 and V10.