
1 – The activities offered are subject to the conditions of the environment in which they take place and the people who participate, so they may change before or even during the activity (weather, state of the sea, etc.). In case of cancellation by SK Kayak, the customer will be entitled to the postponement of the activity or the refund of the amount paid.

2 – The client has the obligation to report possible pregnancy, paraplegia or cardiovascular disease before engaging in any activity. It also undertakes not to be under the influence of alcohol, drugs and / or narcotics, as well as any other medication that may affect its ability to react. To participate in water activities it is essential to know how to swim. In the file of each activity specify the minimum ages required to participate. Minors must have authorization or be accompanied by a responsible person.

3 – SK Kayak’s commitment begins with the contracted activity, so it is the customer’s responsibility to transport it to the facilities or to the place of commencement of the activity, as the case may be. SK Kayak’s contract and liability affect only the direct work of its technicians and the organization of the activity.

4 – Prices are per person and include direct services offered by SK Kayak with VAT included and for the minimum group indicated. Unless expressly stated otherwise, the contracting of external services (accommodation, transport, …) will be the responsibility of the customer, although to facilitate such services, they can sometimes be managed by SK Kayak.

5 – The price includes the necessary material. Each data sheet specifies the equipment included in each activity and program.

6 – The price of programs and activities includes accident and liability insurance. Material and equipment rental services (without a guide) are not covered by attendance insurance. Accident and Liability Insurance: Policy No. 171,939 contracted with the insurance company AXA. Complete information on insurance terms and conditions is available to customers and will be sent to anyone who requests it.

7 – To confirm a reservation, the customer must pay 100% of the total amount.

8 – The customer may withdraw from the services requested or contracted, being entitled to a refund of the amounts paid, but must indemnify SK Kayak with the amounts indicated below:

  • Will pay the management costs, cancellation fees if any, and a penalty consisting of 10% of the total amount of the reservation, if the cancellation occurs more than 15 and less than 30 days before the start date of the program, 15% between days five and fifteen, and 25% within the last four days.
  • Failure to show up on the date and time indicated for SK Kayak will result in the customer being obliged to pay the full amount of the reservation.

9 – From the confirmation of the reservation, the client will expressly assume the totality of the present General Conditions. In the event that a person enrolls another, he / she assumes his / her name (s) each and every one of these General Conditions.

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